In order to provide better network performance and entertainment experience, we will be carrying out a network upgrade in order to maintain the performance of the existing networking equipment as well as installing a new storage due to limitation of the current existing storage which resulted a temporary suspension of downloading new content for the Faiz Entertainment Network. During the period of the network upgrade, most of the systems will be unavailable. However, internet access will not be affected but may experience slow down due to network upgrade utilizing the Gigabit Ethernet connection. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this upgrade. The information listed below describes about the network upgrade that will be carried out.
Phase I – Network Performance Maintenance
Phase II – Installation of new storage system
Phase III – Migration of data from old storage system
Phase IV – Setting up the new the storage feature
Phase V – Network Benchmarking Test
Phase VI – Routine Network Check
Please take note that the network upgrade will commence on 27 January 2013, 2:00AM until 16 February 2013, 6.00PM.